Surviving Summer (E8)

Day 8: BIRTHDAY PREP. Between ferrying middle girls to and from summer theatre school and baking birthday cake for a kid that most likely won't eat it, I haven't stopped.
S left for the dentist at 7:30 this morning, and subsequently I had all children to herd out of the house in time for a 9am start a 20 minute car ride away. I'd been super prepared and printed off the medical/admin/we-take-no-responsibility-if-your-kid-dies forms AND filled them in the previous evening, but realised enroute after all hell had broken loose and EVERYONE had taken it it turns to have a meltdown before getting in the car that I left the damn things sitting on the side at home. I swore. Loudly. Because again, you may think it's no biggie just refilling in forms when you get there right-why all the fuss? Doing that with a kid who runs off and creates devastation wherever we show up is a whole other thing. Cue me, chasing B down school halls while simultaneously trying to fill in the forms. THE SAME FUCKING FORMS I'D ALREADY FILLED IN AND LEFT ON MY BLOODY BEDSIDE TABLE. As a result I now have a very sore scratched up arm from B's protests. Not so fun.
To be fair to the kid, he had two nasty seizures which may have contributed to his minimal patience levels today. His carer took him to Farmer Palmer's, which he usually loves... but today, instead of licking the animal pens he just wanted to be pushed around in the buggy. Obviously not himself. On the upside, he may have avoided e-coli. Win.
I also managed to cook dinner, bake cake and put a thousand batteries in the toys we'd bought B for his birthday tomorrow. It brings mixed feelings when you have a kid that doesn't get birthdays, but you're forced to do the same kind of celebrations anyway because you have three typical girlies. It's a bit of a sucker punch. Also a sucker punch is the inevitable replay of his birth-day, and subsequent life changing chaos. His birth was particularly traumatic for me as his mum-not seeing your kid for three hours once he'd been born blue and whisked off to resusc isn't conducive to fun memories.
But hey. Freddo cake. Keep on keeping on.


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