
Showing posts from May, 2019

Inside-out knicker-trousers... and other tales of joy

So I've been wanting to write about this for a while, and I have a feeling it may be a touchy topic, especially amongst my fellow parents of kids with special needs. First up, I'll let you know where I'm at, since I haven't blogged in a while. Life is still chaotic- nothing new there. Raising four kids is fairly full on; my life is spent mainly removing knickers from inside-out trousers that have been left to walk themselves from the bathroom to the wash basket, spending hours cooking meals that are wolfed down in minutes, practising my ninja-reflexes since B's current favourite activity is throwing every toy he can get his hands on after playing with it for approximately three seconds, and attempting to maintain some sort of sanity during the dreaded GCSEs. I was working for a few months as an SEN planning co-ordinator for the local authority while applying for educational psychology training-which almost killed me, by the way- the whole process was brutal.