Surviving Summer (E11)

Day 11: Thursday is the new Friday-or at least I wish it were. Three day weekends should absolutely be a thing during the school holidays, if only to prevent temporary insanity in whoever ends up at home most of the time on childcare duty. And let's face it, we still have a long way to go with equality-it's usually the mum.
I didn't sleep last night thanks to the curse of three-hundred-browser-tab-brain. So today involved copious amounts of coffee, which may or may not have been brewed from the illegally acquired contraband beans (see previous post for full story!) I had the joys of B-boy admin. It is literally unimaginable until you're arse deep into it how much admin goes into the day to day running of life with disability. I am simultaneously a manager, a budget coordinator, an advocate, a fundraiser, a nurse, a mentor, a teacher, a lead professional, a support worker, a carer and somehow in there too, a mum.
Social care are currently haranguing us on budget, thanks to this incredible Tory government who think the best idea for clawing back the deficit involves taking meagre amounts from the people who need it most. Well done. That totally fucks over everyone in our position. I'm strong-willed stubborn, so I step up and fight. But there are so many who can't; whose lives fly under the radar and who barely survive. This job, this role, is utter chaos. Families like ours are largely unsupported and there is minimal provision for our special kids to access the same fun things as typical kids get to do. It's rough.
But, social care battles aside, it was a generally successful day of adulting. I submitted gas and electric meter readings and switched tariffs to save us some money-yes yes, I know. You're all in awe and envious of my thrilling existence ðŸ˜†. I taxied kids here and there for rehearsals, I ninja-blocked B from attacking Little Miss Mouth (just because), and then I cleaned the bathroom. Because apparently summer means everyone forgets everything they ever knew about personal hygiene and cleaning up their own (literal) shit.
But mostly. I survived. And that, my friends, is enough for today.


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