Surviving Summer (E10)

Day 10: Mum duties.
So today I learned exactly how shit I am at stereotypical girl stuff. Namely, shopping. For D's birthday we'd given her some money and promised a trip to West Quay, and this was that.
Shopping for clothes/shoes/general stuff is sooooo boring. The pissing rain significantly softened the blow, I would have been even more pissed off about spending the day stuck in some air-conditioned shrine to consumerism had the weather been anywhere near summerish.
Luckily, D's attention span for shopping only just outruns mine, and we had a lovely, if short and sweet, time bonding over the ridiculous amounts of money some people spend on stupid stuff. And the best thing? Frozen yogurt. Yum!
The B-boy is off on a sleepover tonight and we're just settling in for a family movie-something totally impossible with B's incessant moving and shaking...
Prize to whoever guesses which movie. Here's a clue...
'Be kind and very courageous.'
Happy Wednesday!


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