Joy to the world (spoiler alert: #notchristmasyet)

Apparently comparison is the thief of joy according to the numerous Insta-inspiration posts I've seen of late. I follow a whole bunch mainly because they feed my somewhat twisted sense of humour. And partly because rainbow pictures are nice. On the surface, this seems like a good titbit of wisdom. For example, I will never have the boobs of a Victoria Secret model. Too many humans sucking on them for too long, and countless years of rebelling against the need for a bra as a teen have left my assets somewhat lacking in the perkiness department. If I gave a shit about that, and lusted after tits that did not require, in essence, scaffolding to hoist them above knee level then yes. Comparison is futile and would make me sad. But there's something about this trite little phrase that irks me somewhat. A slight smugness I suppose; the idea that whatever our lot we should just suck it up and crack on. It sounds like the kind of soundbite advice condescendingly dished out to t...