Predictably Unpredictable
Whenever anyone asks me to summarise what it's like living with a complex needs child, I always know exactly what to say. Predictably unpredictable. Essentially, the only thing we know for sure is that we have fuck all clue about what happens next. And this pans out on a number of levels. At home, we have no idea how B will behave from one moment to another. It's a real struggle to put into words the utter chaos that causes without sounding completely hyperbolic. The nearest I can get to an (entirely non-pc) description is it's like having a big, non-verbal toddler on crack. But even then we're barely close. Hands up parents who remember that helicopter phase? You know, the bit of life where you can literally do nothing for fear of your small person completely trashing your house, themselves, or some other child in the vicinity in the three seconds it takes you to express pee the bladderful you've been hopping about with all bloody day? I remember those days w...